move - دو

Solvent poppingSolvent popping - ller or re move damaged finish and rep
fill ، pinnholes ، polyester ، spray ، filter ، remove ، damage ، finish ، repair ، drying sanding ، thicknesses ، sand ، viscosity ، air ، solvent ، hardness ، thinner ،
428 visit، 10/12/2021 4:56:11 PM
Dirt and dust in basecoatDirt and dust in basecoat - dust is re move d at every stage of pre
paint ، straine ، filter ، spraysuit ، dust ، remove ، stage ، preparation ، required ، areas ، repply ، basecoat ، dirt ، particles ،
388 visit، 10/13/2021 2:53:54 PM
Moisture blistersMoisture blisters - Always re move exterior trim &bull - • Re move all contaminated finis
repaint ، finish ، contaminated ، remove ، spray ، clean ، instruction ، product ، curing ، dry ، carefully ، air ، remove ، eterior ،
317 visit، 10/13/2021 4:14:47 PM
Bird droppingsBird droppings - • Re move drop pings as soon as - • Re move paper and wipe away d - can be re move d by polishing local ar
trees ، under ، polish ، max ، finish ، protect ، remove ، drop ، possible ، hardner ، thinner ،
208 visit، 10/20/2021 6:22:11 PM
Industrial fall out/rail dustIndustrial fall out/rail dust - can be re move d by polishing &bull - must be re move d and refinished
immeditaly ، barrier ، paint ، frequent ، clean ، surface ، grinding ، pieces ، remmoved ، polish ، defect ، minor ، demage ، rifinish ،
314 visit، 10/23/2021 6:29:01 PM
CorrosionCorrosion - • Re move affected paint areas,
refinish ، broken ، paint ، prevent ، corrosion ، winter ، vehchile ، polishing ، washing ، remove ، areas ، sandblast ، heavily ، treat ، neutaralizing ، acid ، refinish ، approved ،
377 visit، 10/25/2021 5:58:03 PM
Color fade/changeColor fade/change - Can be re move d in part by machine po
sunlight ، uv ، light ، effect ، certain ، pigments ، surface ، refinish ، paint ، low ، quality ، blocker ، protection ، polishing ، removed ، part ، machine ، polishing ، protection ، thickness ، necessary ،
412 visit، 10/25/2021 6:13:22 PM
How to make your car paint shine like How to make your car paint shine like - e as it re move s minor blemishes, incl
washcar ، shampoo ، shine ، liquidpolishing ، scuffs ، remove ، minor ، surface ، wax ، protective ، perfection ، paintwork ، demage ، idea ، glossy ،
430 visit، 11/23/2021 7:04:00 PM